Latest Episodes
Episode 221 Running Gags
You know something is truly funny when it's funny over and over again. Die.
Episode 220 Reality TV Shows We Want
Reality shows are guilty pleasures, but they could be guiltier...Die.
Episode 219 YouTube Rabbit Holes
We've all fallen down a YouTube Rabbit Hole once or twice, so we hope to push down a couple more holes! Die.
Episode 218 Disney Songs
This was a fun one! Join us for a magical time and sing along! Die.
Episode 217 Best Selling Novels We Wrote
Did you know we were all famous authors? Well here is just a toe dip into our literary works! Die.
Episode 216 Wrestlemania Moments
Wrestlemania was last week, so we thought we would give you our list of the Top 5 Wrestlemania Moments! With special guest Dennis from...