Latest Episodes
Episode 30 Top 5 Celebrities Brought Back From the Dead
This was an idea we held onto for a long time, but we needed a certain piece to the puzzle, and we finally got...
Episode 29 Board-less Games
Here is our first sequel!...sorta. On episode 3 we did Top 5 Board games, but we kept that list to games with actual boards,...
Episode 28 Most Wanted Movie Sequels
Ever see a movie that ended on a cliff hanger, but the sequel never came to be? Or a movie you loved so much...
Episode 27 Top 5 Pet Peeves
Learn what really gets us upset with this week's episode on Pet Peeves.
Episode 26 New Years Resolutions
The gang's all here as we welcome the new year with a surprisingly sincere episode. Listen as we all learn about ourselves, and what...
Episode 25 Best of the Top 5 of DEATH!
Here it is, the moment that is to come to all episodic shows...A CLIP SHOW! We had some trouble getting together to record, so...